Overhead Cranes
The product range includes the construction of overhead crane single beam or double beam versions with capacities, sizes and different structures depending on the demands and needs of the customer.

The cranes can be made of the mono-beam or dual-beam, with trolley or trolley hoist winch depending on the capacity and trolley frame to reduced size.
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The beams are made of sheet steel and are made in caisson type and stiffened with internal diaphragms.
The dimensioning of beams and legs is widely calculated following all the regulations in force, in order to obtain a high resistance. The cranes are constructed to the A8/M8 class. It is provided the stairway to the bridge and the protection railings along the entire length of the bridge.
The translation is carried out with two heads equipped with four or eight steel wheels (depending on the case and of the loads) mounted on bearings with direct coupling to a reducer of pendular type. Electric motors are self-braking soft start two speeds, or is installed electronic inverter for multi-regulation of departures and braking.
The application of the inverter system ensures a substantial lengthening of the life of the mechanical parts of the machine, a lower load swing and a lowering of the machine noise .
Usually the cranes of capacity up to 10 tons is installed in a trolley hoist. On bridge cranes of capacity higher than 10 tonnes or at the request of the customer realizes a trolley. The trolley is made of a thick tube frame, with translation system to steel wheels to direct clutch operated by a reduction gear with self-braking electric motors.
The lift assembly is made with a reducer with parallel axes of our construction with gears in an oil bath mounted on bearings, or with a planetary gearbox.
We apply a special motor for lifting and a rope drum coupled to a threaded electro-hydraulic brake and clutch elastic wide belt.
The company also produces runways for the cranes. The runways are designed on the basis of the structure of the customer and the building in which will be installed overhead crane.
Can be realized with caisson beam or beams with HE.